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General textbooks Mathematical Biology
mainly (partial) differential equation models

L Edelstein Keshet (1987) Mathematical Models in Biology. Random House, New York 586pp

Hofbauer, J. and Sigmund, K. (1984) The theory of evoluiton and dynamical systems. London mathematical society student texts 7. Cambridge Univ. Press

Murray, J.D. (1989) Mathematical Biology. Springer Verlag 767 pp.

Rowe, Glenn (1994) Theoretical models in biology, the origin of life, the immune system and the brain. Oxford, Clarendon press.

Kaplan D. and Glass, L., (1995) Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics Springer Verlag

L.A. Segel (1984) Modelling Dynamic phenomena in molecular and cellular Biology. CAmbridge Univ. Press pp 300.

Yodzis, P. (1989( Introduction to Theoretical Ecology. Harper and Row pp 384.

Paulien Hogeweg 2003-03-16